16ths With One Hand

1 - Introduction Video

16ths with one hand is a very popular funk HH pattern. We’ll add to the drive by accenting the 8th notes in the 16th note pattern using the down/up motion with the RH, wrist and arm. This is explained in the following video.

2 - Song Examples

A. “Use Me,” Bill Withers, James Gadson, drums


16ths on the HH with the RH, along with syncopated rim clicks on the SD and some very cool HH openings. Notice that on the “a of 2” he plays HH, Rim Click, and BD. There is a slow version of this tune later in this lesson.

Transcription of the “Use Me” beat (click to enlarge):

Quiz 1

In the last part of the tune “Use Me” there is a call and response section in which the voice is answered by hand claps.
Where do the hand claps fall?

  1. "and of 1", "and of 3", "and of 1"
  2. "2", "4", "2"
  3. "2", "and of 3", "2"
  4. "2", "and of 3", "and of 1"

Answer C: "2", "and of 3", "2"

Bill Withers

Bill Withers

James Gadson

James Gadson


B. “Sophisticated Cissy” - The Meters, Joseph “Zigaboo” Modeliste, drums

The Meters. Drummer “Zigaboo” Modeliste, far left.

The Meters. Drummer “Zigaboo” Modeliste, far left.

Sophisticated Cissy.png

Medium tempo funk with RH 16ths on the HH and some 16 note HH openings. “Zig” keeps the HH out of it for the first 4 bars and plays a tasty intro line.
As always he can embellish or improvise some as the song goes along.

Transcription of the “Sophisticated Cissy” beat:

5 - Sophisticated Cissy Beat.png

C. “Can’t Hide Love” – Earth, Wind & Fire, Maurice White, drums

Earth, Wind & Fire. Drummer, Maurice White is second from the right.

Earth, Wind & Fire. Drummer, Maurice White is second from the right.

Earth, Wind & Fire2 album cover.png

Tight 16th note EWF track.


D. “I Know (You Don’t Love Me Anymore)” – Ike and Tina Turner

Ike & Tina Turner

Ike & Tina Turner

Tina Turner

Tina Turner

3 – Exercises

A. “Use Me” – Slow


Here’s a slowed down version of “Use Me” to practice to.

Note to Berklee students: I know we have already “used” this, but I think it’s a good tool to really check out your 16th note RH, and arm motion.


B. Funk Drumming p. 9 & 10


Play 16ths with the RH on the HH.
Play each beat 4 x’s and go down the page.
59 BPM. Be sure to accent the 8ths in the 16th note pattern.


C. Play-Along Video Workout Exercises


Funk Drumming p. 39-41.
Now we’ll add 16th note BD patterns to the 16th note HH pattern.
Keep playing those 8th note accents within the 16th note pattern.

Play along to the video exercises: Funk Drumming, 16ths on the HH, p. 39-41.


1. Play Funk Drumming, p. 46 (C. 2 MEASURE ROCK & FUNK BEATS, #1-6), using the 16th note HH pattern. Use the 16th note RH pattern instead of the 8th note pattern that is written. Play 8th note accents within the 16th note HH pattern.
60 BPM.
Play each line 2 x’s and go down the page.

2. Play to “Can’t Hide Love,” Earth, Wind & Fire.
Play on top of the mp3 audio file.

10 - Can't Hide Love Beat.png

Check the chart of the song. Use slight variations and embellishments that you think work with the music.