This is a tune Jim wrote and played with his organ trio on his Yes! CD.
Adam Klipple on organ; Al Street on guitar; Jim on drums.

1a Yes, front cover.jpg

1 – Video 1 – Basic Groove with options and 3 beat ideas

2 – Video 2 – Run down of the form of Slanky, the Chart and the Bridge.

Download both pages of the chart.


3 – For fun take a look at a B-Flat version of the chart for tenor sax

Written by Stu Reynolds. He put it all on one page.

4 – “Slanky” from Jim’s Yes! CD


Note: Organ player Adam Klipple doesn’t play the bridge at the end of his solo. He got too wrapped up in his solo and forgot to look at the chart!!!

But it was such a good solo we kept this take. At the end of his solo he just hands it over to Al Street, the guitarist.

Jim brings the volume down when Al starts.

The great waitresses at The Vandalia Lounge, somewhere down South.

The great waitresses at The Vandalia Lounge, somewhere down South.

5 – Video 3 – Jim Plays to “Slanky” without drums

6 – “Slanky” without drums

7 – “Slanky” – Pee Wee Ellis Version

Here’s another version of Slanky, by Pee Wee Ellis. It’s on his Tenoration CD. Pee Wee was one of James Brown’s band leaders and wrote several of his hits including “Cold Sweat” and “I’m Black And I’m Proud.” Christian McBride is playing electric bass.


1. Play the beat Jim plays at the end of Video 1.


Play a 2 bar phrase with the HH openings that are played in the video. Play the James Brown rim shot on the SD on the “e of 3” if you want. Maybe play it every other time. 1 min max, 82 BPM.

2. Play to “Slanky” without drums. #9 in “Slanky” Files.


Use the beat from the Basic Groove Video or create your own beat.
Play the bell of the RC on the Bridge or create your own groove.