1 – Introduction

We’re moving on with our work with David Garibaldi’s The Funky Beat. Onward, onward.

It’s not easy but I know you’re going to like the results!

This lesson is going to have a little of both, a little of the linear style to start with and then more of the layered style.

2 – Linear Style

A. Video


Linear interpretation of the phrase in example 12, p. 10.
RR sticking on the HH.


B. Transcription 1

  1. The general pattern

  2. Linear pattern with RR sticking on the HH

  3. Adding the BD in the holes

  4. 4-bar phrase

2 - Transcription 1.png

C. Video 2


LR sticking


D. Transcription 2

  1. The general pattern

  2. Linear pattern with LR sticking on the HH

  3. Adding the BD in the holes

  4. 4-bar phrase

4 - Transcription 2.png

E. Video 3


RL sticking


F. Transcription 3

  1. The general pattern

  2. Linear pattern with RL sticking on the HH

  3. Adding the BD in the holes

  4. 4-bar phrase

6 - Transcription 3.png

3 - Layered Style 5

Now we’ll take the layered style and work with a one-bar general rhythmic pattern instead of the 2-beat pattern. Get ready, this will give us some very funky beats.

A. Video 4.0


8ths on the HH


B. Transcription 4

  1. General 1-bar pattern

  2. Adding 8ths on the HH

  3. Adding the BD in the holes

  4. 4-bar phrase

8 - Transcription 4.png

C. Video 4.1


8th, 2-16ths on the HH


D. Transcription 5

  1. General 1-bar pattern

  2. Adding 8ths on the HH

  3. BD 1

  4. BD2

  5. 4-bar phrase

10 - Transcription 5 2.png

E. Video 5.0



  1. 8ths on the HH

  2. 4-bar phrase with 8ths on the HH

  3. 4-bar phrase with 8th, 2-16ths on the HH


F. Video 5.1


BD 2

  1. 8ths on the HH

  2. 4-bar phrase with 8ths on the HH

  3. 4-bar phrase with 8th, 2-16ths on the HH


1. Play transcription 1 with BD in the holes. Play the 4 bar pattern 2 x’s. 80 BPM.

2. Play transcription 5 with BD pattern 1. Play the 4 bar pattern 2 x’s. 80 BPM.

3. “Bean Bag”


This is a song Jim did with another line up of The Jim Payne Band: Adam Klipple, organ; Al Street, guitar; Jim Payne, drums. It was recorded at the Yes! Session but actually never made it to the CD!

JimPayneBand yes front.jpg
JimPayneBand yes back.jpg

Play to the track without drums.
Choose one of the layered beats from Transcription #4.

a) “Bean Bag” chart

13 - Bean Bag.png

b) “Bean Bag” mp3 of the track without drums


c) Video of Jim playing to the “Bean Bag” track


d) “Bean Bag” - mp3 of the original song

Jim used a different beat on the original song. Use one of the layered beats from Transcriptions #4 or #5 when you play to the track.