1 - Introduction

2 – Demonstration 1

Counting and Reading 98 bpm

3 – 8-bar Metronome track with hits, 98 bpm

4 – Demonstration 2

I found that slower tempos can be harder so I slowed down the metronome this time to 85 bpm.

5 – 8 bar Metronome track with hits, 85 bpm


Play the multi-tasking exercise as demonstrated in the videos. Choose 85 or 98 bpm. Read out of any book or article.

Try to relax when doing this. Don’t worry if you miss the hit. Regroup and try to get it the next time. The idea is to let things happen on their own. Don’t concentrate too much on any one thing.

Also, I found that it’s not productive to work on this for long periods of time. Use shorter sessions, 10-15 min., then do something else and come back to it.

Again, it ain’t easy, but it’s worth it.