My Favorite Books

Moves & Grooves, by Elliot Fine

I consider Elliot Fine on of my mentors. I was fortunate enough to meet him and hang out with him several times. Along with Marv Dahlgren he wrote “4-Way Coordination,” which was my coordination bible for a long time. I’m actually on my third copy. More on that in another post.

Moves & Grooves is a more recent book which is more style-oriented. Some great ideas with all kinds of variations and they ARE funky! As a drummer who spent most of his career as a percussionist in the Minneapolis Symphony you might think he didn’t know much about popular music, including funk, but believe me he did!

Moves & Grooves, Cover 1.jpeg
Moves & Grooves, p.80.jpeg

Check the video to see how this sounds. And check out the variations above. Ideas, ideas, ideas!