Funk Pack 6: Advanced Blues

Funk Pack 6: Advanced Blues
16 Video Loops
1 - The basics. Layin’ it down.
2 - Adding snare drum ghost notes, scooting the rhythm.
3 - Changing the right hand pattern.
4 - 6 against 4, now it gets interesting.
5 - Double-time Jazz feel with 6 against 4.
6 - Two videos showing the application of these rhythms to the 12 bar blues form.
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With each package you will receive downloadable video loops which can be played on your computer or copied to your smart phone, PLUS pdf files of the transcriptions of each beat. No fancy solos, just funk grooves, some old-school, some new-school. Laid out progressively for intermediate-advanced drummers. All at least one minute long so there’s plenty of time to focus in on the elements of the groove. Some played both slow and fast.